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研究生(外文):Chen-chih Lin
論文名稱(外文):Research on optical and electrical properties of organic dye molecule thin films
指導教授(外文):Jui-Fen ChangCheng-Chung Lee
外文關鍵詞:organic dye molecule thin filmsJ-aggregatestrong coupling
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本篇論文主要研究有機染料分子薄膜之結構、光學吸收特性、與電致發光特性,並進一步利用此薄膜設計強耦合共振腔元件,模擬Polariton能態的現象。本實驗使用DEDOC 染料分子作為實驗材料,並將此材料製作成具有J-aggregate(J-聚集)分子排列的高吸收薄膜。我們透過疊代運算法擬合薄膜的穿透與反射實驗頻譜,在最佳化的擬合條件下,可準確擬合出多層堆疊後之總厚度,相當吻合原子力顯微鏡的量測厚度,並得到峰值吸收常數α高達106/cm。接著,利用OLED架構研究DEDOC J-aggregate花青染料的電致發光特性,並分析在不同製程條件下,染料分子薄膜排列之均勻度對外部量子轉換效率的影響。透過排列最佳的Layer-by-layer製程,可得到最佳外部量子轉換效率約為5×10-3%。
接著,我們進一步將染料分子薄膜置於共振腔系統中,模擬產生強耦合模態之現象。在此共振腔中,利用一個紅光OLED系統做為主要激發Polariton能態發光的光源,而此染料分子薄膜作為產生Polariton能態的介質。我們利用了Hamiltonian的擴增矩陣模型與多層膜理論,來預測激子與光子在共振腔中的強耦合行為。經由模擬電場分佈、反射頻譜、Polariton色散曲線,可得到最佳化的強耦合共振腔設計。在實作上,選用 TPB3與DCJTB共摻雜系統作為紅光OLED系統,探討其在滿足最佳化共振腔設計下,元件的發光波長、光強與發光穩定性。目前的材料研究與共振腔設計,可作為未來實現Polariton電致發光的重要前驅研究。

In this thesis we investigated the structure, optical absorption, and electroluminescence of organic dye molecule thin films, and further employed the film to design the strongly-coupled microcavity devices and to simulate the phenomena of polariton states. We used the DEDOC dye molecule to produce a highly-absorbing J-aggregate film. We calculated the film thickness by iteratively fitting the R and T spectra. The optimal fitting yields the total thickness of assembled layers, which is well matched with the AFM measurements. The peak absorption coefficient α was extracted to be 10 6/cm. Next, we investigated the electroluminescence of DEDOC J-aggregate films based on OLED configuration, and analyzed the relation between the EQE and morphology of films made from different processes. With layer-by-layer assembly, the best EQE of 5×10-3% was achieved. We then integrated the DEDOC J-aggregate films into microcavities and simulated the strongly-coupled phenomena. In such a microcavity, we used a red light OLED system as a pumping source for polaritonic luminescence, and DEDOC J-aggregate films as the medium to produce polariton states. We used the Hamiltonian matrix model and multilayer matrix model to predict the exciton-photon coupling in the microcavity. By simulating the electrical field distribution, reflectivity spectrum, and dispersion of polariton states, we obtained the optimal design of strongly-coupled microcavity. In experiments, we chose the TPB3 and DCJTB co-doping red light OLED system, and studied the emitting wavelength, light intensity, and stability under the condition of the best microcavity design. The current study on materials and microcavity design serves an important preliminary research for realization of polariton electroluminescence in the future.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 簡介 1
1-2 有機材料與強耦合機制的發展 3
1-2-1激子在有機材料與無機材料 3
1-2-2自聚集有機染料分子J-aggregate 5
1-2-3有機材料強耦合機制發展 7
1-3 研究動機 11
第二章 理論分析 12
2-1多層膜光譜模擬與設計理論 12
2-1-1 正向入射多層膜堆 12
2-1-2 斜向入射修正 13
2-1-3 非相干性之反射與透射 14
2-2 電場分佈 16
2-2-1 導納軌跡 16
2-2-2 電場分佈 18
2-3 Kramers-Kronig relation 19
2-4 微共振腔中光子與激子的強耦合關係 20
2-4-1微共振腔中形成準粒子Polariton能態的機制 20
2-4-2微共振腔中光場模態的色散關係 22
2-4-3準粒子Polariton能態的能量分佈 24
2-4-4等效質量(Effective mass) 26
第三章 實驗架構與儀器 28
3-1 實驗架構 28
3-2 實驗儀器 28
3-2-1 原子力顯微鏡 28
3-2-2 橢偏儀 29
3-2-3 光譜儀 30
3-2-4 光二極體 30
3-2-5 蒸鍍機 31
第四章高吸收J-aggregate染料分子薄膜特性分析 32
4-1 PDAC/DEDOC J-aggregate 高吸收薄膜製程 32
4-2 PDAC/DEDOC J-aggregate高吸收薄膜物理特性 33
4-3 PDAC/DEDOC J-aggregate高吸收薄膜光學特性 35
4-4小結 38
第五章 高吸收染料分子電致發光的量測與分析 39
5-1 J-aggregate OLED基本原理與製程方式 39
5-1-1 J-aggregate OLED基本原理 39
5-1-2 J-aggregate OLED製程方式 40
5-2 J-aggregate OLED電場分佈設計 42
5-3 J-aggregate OLED 量測結果與分析 43
5-4 J-aggregate OLED與共振腔設計 48
5-5小結 50
第六章 紅光OLED整合J-聚集分子共振腔元件 51
6-1分離式結構之紅光共振腔元件設計 51
6-1-1 分離式結構之紅光共振腔元件設計 51
6-2紅光OLED基本原理與製程方式 57
6-2-1紅光OLED基本原理與電場設計 57
6-2-2 紅光OLED製程方式 59
6-3 紅光OLED 量測結果與討論 61
6-4小結 64
第七章 結論與未來展望 65
Reference 67

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