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研究生(外文):Zong-Fu Shi
論文名稱(外文):Simulation and Validation of Drop Failure and Package System for TFT-LCD Monitors
指導教授(外文):Min-chun PAN
外文關鍵詞:damage boundary curvedrop testshock test
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TFT-LCD monitor 是具有高精度、高單價之產品,而產品在物流運送過程中經常會遭受到振動、衝擊、掉落等機械力的作用,進而使產品造成破壞,所以產品在物流過程中必須包覆緩衝包裝材料加以保護。本研究延續實驗室所進行產品掉落測試,執行包裝系統的設計和修改,進而滿足規範的要求,而且能減少產品空間和包裝材料的使用,達到降低成本的目的。
TFT-LCD monitors are manufactured precisely and so far relatively expensive. During transportation, the products are often subjected to unintentional drops, vehicle vibration, shock inputs, and compression loads, etc. These mechanical forces may cause products damages or losing functions. To prevent shock damages, products are usually protected by package systems. The study based on previous work performs the package-system design and modification. The proposed new package system is satisfied for the IEC regulations. Furthermore, the amount of material used by the package system is less than that of original design.
The study includes both the characterizing the damage boundary curve and modifying the package system of the test TFT-LCD monitor. Based on previous work, it is noted that the face_6 drop test cannot fulfill the IEC regulations. Therefore, the package system of the TFT-LCD monitor needs further modification. First, the shock characteristics of the product are determined by conducting the damage boundary test. It includes both critical velocity change and critical acceleration. Moreover, the causes of damage are also numerically analyzed by using the LS-DYNA package. The simulations of drop test for modified package systems are performed. Then, The numerical analysis is validated by practical drop test. After comparison between the drop test and numerical simulation, the package system satisfying the IEC regulations can be achieved.
In the study, the procedures about designing a cushioning package system are provided. The finite element analysis assists in exploring the causes of the damage. The numerical analysis is validated by practical drop test. These tasks help to perform the design or modification of both the TFT-LCD monitor and package system. They can shorten the lead-time of product design, and improve shock resistance as well.
Abstract A
Contents I
List of Figures III
List of Tables VI
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Literature Review 2
1.3 Outline of the Thesis 3
Chapter2 Theoretical Basis 5
2.1 Package Cushioning Design 5
2.1.1 Purpose 5
2.1.2 Steps of Package system design 5
2.1.3 Summary 21
2.2 Theory of Shock and Drop 22
2.3 Implicit Finite Element Method 27
Chapter 3 Damage Boundary Curve Test and Simulation 29
3.1 Instruments 30
3.1.1 Shock Machine 30
3.1.2 Measuring System 33
3.2 Test Procedure 34
3.2.1 Step Velocity Test 34
3.2.1 Step Acceleration Test 38
3.3 Results of the Damage Boundary test 38
3.3.1 Test Results of Critical Velocity Change 39
3.3.2 Test results of Critical Acceleration 41
3.3.3 Damage Boundary Curve 42
3.4 Simulation 44
3.4.1 Finite Element Model 44
3.4.2 Material Properties and Boundary Conditions 45
3.5 Simulation Results 48
3.5.1 Comparisons 48
3.6 Discussions on Structural Damage 50
Chapter4 Drop Simulation and Validation of Package Systems 58
4.1 Drop Simulation of Package Systems 58
4.1.1 The Finite Element Model 58
4.1.2 Material Properties and Boundary Conditions 58
4.1.3 Sample 60
4.2 Drop Test of Package Systems 63
4.2.1 Instruments 63
4.2.2 Sample 64
4.2.3 Drop tests 67
4.3 Comparisons of Simulation and Test 67
4.3.1 Comparisons 68
4.3.2 Results 75
4.4 Comparisons with Package Systems 80
Chapter5 Conclusions 83
Bibliography 85
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