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研究生(外文):Ping-Hsiang Tsai
論文名稱(外文):A digital electronic stethoscope based on an audio player
外文關鍵詞:WheezeLung soundDigital audio player
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There are many organs inside a human body. They operate together to keep a person alive. The lung is an important organ to transport oxygen into the body and export carbon dioxide outside of the body. As air hits the walls of these airways, turbulence is created and produces sound, that is what we called lung sound. But if you have some diseases in your respiratory system, lung sounds may change. Asthma is a kind of bronchitis, this will produce a particular sound called wheeze. Besides that, the influence on frequency analysis on lung sound caused by asthma is also an important resource in detecting wheeze.
Lung sound signals can’t be saved using an acoustics stethoscope, and also can’t be reused. There are some digitized electronic stethoscopes, but they are usually expensive and can’t store too many lung sound files. So the purpose of this study is to produce a digital electronic stethoscope based on a digital audio player. It contains an electric condenser microphone, an amplifier circuit, a filter circuit, and a storage device. The system contains a diagnosis program which is written in C language on a 8051 processor. It uses FFT and PSD to analyze the lung sound signals in order to detect wheeze.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌 謝 III
目 錄 IV
圖 目 錄 VII
表 目 錄 IX
第一章 緒論
1-1 聽診器的演進 1
1-2 研究動機 4
1-3 文獻回顧 5
第二章 呼吸生理及肺音
2-1 呼吸系統的生理架構 8
2-2 肺音的產生 10
2-3 肺音的分類 11
2-4 正常呼吸音 11
2-5 異常呼吸音 12
2-6 氣喘 14
第三章 系統硬體架構
3-1 實驗步驟 18
3-1-1 感應器 19
3-1-2 共同電壓電路 20
3-1-3 放大電路 21
3-1-4 濾波電路 22
3-2 訊號儲存裝置 26
3-2-1 將類比訊號引入數位隨身聽 27
3-2-2 肺音訊號的儲存形式 28
3-2-3 肺音訊號的數位化及編碼 30
3-2-4 編碼後訊號的儲存 31
第四章 系統軟體架構
4-1 正常與異常肺音的差異性之評估 34
4-1-1 正常肺音的時、頻域特性 34
4-1-2 喘鳴音的時、頻域特性 35
4-2 氣喘偵測演算法 36
4-2-1 快速傅立葉轉換 38
4-2-2 功率頻譜密度 39
4-2-3 門檻值的設定 39
4-3 使用者介面 41
第五章 結果與討論
5-1 系統測試與結果 45
5-2 與市售產品之比較 47
5-3 結論 48
5-4 未來方向 49
參考文獻 50
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