In the past, the research about firm''s media disclosure policy only refersto single subject such a earning announcement, earning forecast, etc.There exists no empirical study that examines firm''s overall mediadisclosure policy. By reading newspapers, it is found that firms withbetter operating performance seem to disclose information more frequentlyin the newspapers. Therefore, this research tries to study if there existsany association between the Taiwan Stock Exchange listed firms'' operatingperformance and their media disclosure policy. It is hypothesized thatbecause the litigation cost in Taiwan is not that significant, so thebetter performance firms will disclo-sure more information on the mediathan worse performance firms. Industry adjusted return on owners'' equitybefore tax, excluding the investment income (loss) and the gain on assetsales, is employed as proxy for operating performance measurement. Thisstudy examines the disclosure policy of listed firms in 1994. The changeof return on equity in 1994 (relative to 1993) is computed and ranked. Thetop 10% is named better performance group while the bottom 10% is poorerperformance group. Each group consists of 25 companies. This studycollects the disclosure in the Commercial Times and the Economic DailyNews. The disclosure types include (1) sales and earning point estimates,(2) sales and earning range estimates, (3) sales and earning qualitydisclosures, (4) monthly, seasonal or yearly sales and earning results,(5) short-term influence operating information, (6) long-term influenceoperating information, (7) financial decision information, (8) stockequity related information, and (9) other information. This researchfirst analyzes the sample firms'' attributes such as the industrydistribution, number of years being listed, and the financial ratios.Then, cross tabulation and chi-squares are used to analyze the associationbetween perfor-mance and the disclosure frequencies. The empirical resultsindicate that in poorer group, 16 were listed less than 5 years while only5 firms in better group. The averages of other performance related ratiosof better firms are larger than those of poorer firms. This study findsthat better group firms disclose more news in the newspaper than poorergroup.