Let G=(V,E) be a simple graph, m be the number of edges and n be the number of vertices. The length of a path is the number of edges in the path. The distance d(x,y) from vertex x to vertex y in G is the minimum length of a path from x to y. If d( x,y) is less than or equal to k, then we say that x dominates y within distance k (or say that x k-dominate y), and vice versa. A subset D of V is called a k-dominating set of G if for every vertex x in V, there exists some vertex y in D which k- dominates x. A k-dominating set D of G is independent if the vertices of D are pairwise non-adjacent, connected if the sub- graph G[D] induced by D is connected, toatl if G[D] has no isolated vertex. The (independent, connected, total) k- domination problem is to find a (independent, connected, total) k-dominating set with the minimum cardinality. Suppose that each vertex of the G is associated with a real number, called the weight of this vertex, and the weight of a set of vertices is the sum of the weights of all vertices in this set. Then, the weighted (independent, connected, total) k-domination problem is to find a (independent, connected, total) k- dominating set with the minimum weight in G. A subset M of E is called a mathcing in G=(V,E) if no two elements of M share the same vertex. M is a maximum mathcing if G has no mathcing M' with |M'| > |M|. In this thesis, we use the dynamic programming to devise unified, efficient and linear time algorithms for the weighted (independent, connected, total) k-domination problem on interval graphs. Then, we extend those algorithms to solve the same pro- blems on circular-arc graphs. Meanwhile, we present an O(m+n) greedy algorithm for solving the maximum matching problem in strongly chordal graphs with strong elimination ordering given.