The major purpose of this present study is to examine the effects of "self-monitoring" personality variable on anticipatory attitude changes. It was hypothesized that when the high self-monitors are anticipated to discuss an issue with someone who stands on the opposite position,they would moderate their attitudes in advance no matter whether the issue expected to discuss is high or low self-relevant. Based on Bond and Hwang''s(1986) inference that Chinese are high in self- monitoring ,we expected recruiting the Taiwanese students as subjects would generate different results than Cialdini et al'' s(1976) original findings. However,the results of the present study not only fail to support the hypothesis,but also are inconsistent with Cialdiniet al''s patterns.Subjects were regrouped as high versus low self-monitors based on their scores on the Chinese edition of Self-Monitoring Scale (Lin,1985),further analysis still fail to support the predition. The external validity of the Cialdini et al. findings and the soundness of the inferences that high self- monitors would moderate their attitudes anticipatorily are questioned and discussed.