Regarding international market entry strategy and performance related reserchs are seldom before, most of these researchs are based on the concept and proposition. The study adopts the viewpoint of manufacturing business who want to pursue foreign market opportunities,the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between international market entry strategy and performance . The primary data is collected from 250 Taiwanese compamys in computer \ electric field by questionnaires, after using the statistical methods of frequency analysis, one-way ANOVA ,and two-way ANOVA to analyze 72 effective questionnaires, We have the following conclusions: 1. Manufacturing companies prefer to adopt entry mode arranged in the order as follows : Export entry Mode(40.3%), Multiple entry Mode (31.9%),Investment entry Mode(22.2%), and Contractual entry Mode (5.6%) . Their purposes of companies to enter foreign markets are arranged in the order as follows : Increase profits, increase market share, decrease production costs, managing Risk, overcome trade barriers, and acquire technologys. 2. These four entry modes have significant differences in performance ; Multiple entry mode has the best performance , Export entry Mode is second ,then Investment entry mode ,and Contractual entry mode. 3. Company internal factors ( Firm size , Firm ability , Firm objectives ) and host country enviromental factor (host country enviromental attractiveness ) influence the relationship between entry stratrgy and performance. Firms that are large ,are more likely to choose contractual,or multiple entry modes. Firms that have high ability,are likely to choose contractual,or investment entry modes . firms that focus on acquiring technologyor increasing market share,are likely to choose multiple entry mode .If hostcountries enviroment is attractive , Firms are likely to choose contractual,ormultiple entry modes.