This article is to discuss the residual stress of an injection molded plate.Generally the residual stress is composed of two parts : (1) flow-induced residual stress during the injection molding process and (2) thermally-induced residual stress. This study will measure the residual stress of an injection molded plate and find out how the process conditions affect the residual stress of the injection molded plate . Moreover, it will be compared with the simulation predictions. First of all , this study utilized the half-fringe photoelastic method to measure the residual stress of an injection molded plate while it is moded different melt temperature injection speed , different packing pressure . Furthermore , simulation based Leonov viscoelastic model is used to calculate the distribution of the residual stress and found to be consistent with the actual measureing values. At the same time , this study used the nature of co-injection to reduce the temperature difference in the gapwise of the melting plastics for advanced improvement.