A response surface methodological design was adopted to investigate the effects of storage conditions on the structure of xanthan gum/gelatin complexed gel by using rheometry and differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ). Furthermore, the oil /water emulsion model system prepared by the xanthan gum/gelatin complex was proposed to study the effects of molecular realigning processes during storage on the thermal stability and the micro- wave heating characteristics of the emulsion system. Results of the rheometrical compression test showed that both hardness and modulus of elasticity of the xanthan gum/gelatin complexed gels increased as the increases of storage time and temperature. Thermal properties of the freeze-dried xanthan gum/gelatin com- plexed gel were further analyzed by DSC.It was also observed that the endothermic melting peak of gelatin occurred between 65℃ and 90℃,whereas the exothermic decomposition peak of the xanthan gum /gelatin complexed gels was observed between 155℃ and 220℃. The endothermic onset melting temperature observed to be linearly related to both of the storage time and temperature. The endo- thermic peak melting temperature was quadratically related to the storage time and temperature. Besides, the exothermic enthalpies increased as the increases of storage time and temperature. Ther- mal stability and the microwave heating characteristics of the emulsion model system could also be improved by molecular realig- ning processes when it prepared by using the xanthan gum/gelatin complexes.