" 反依底帕斯 "一書, 是解構主義代表性的著作之一, 書中引發的問題是 當代法國哲學對現今西方哲學所作之反省與探討, 對於影響當代西方的三 大師: 馬克思, 佛洛依德, 尼采在本書中作出重要的回應。本論文將就" 反依底帕斯 "一書之哲學觀點進行介紹和探討: 1.介紹當代法國哲學; 探 討--德勒茲與瓦達利所扮演的角色。 2.德勒茲哲學簡介和生平及" 反依 底帕斯 "一書簡介。 3." 反依底帕斯 "之主要觀念( 慾望etc.探討 )。 Deleuze and Guattari''s "Anti-Odeipus" is the most important book in modern Frinch Philosophy. Modern French Philosophy is presented by "Deconstructurism". In this book, Deleuze and Gattari discuss about Karl Mark, Niet- zsche, ane Freud''s Philosophy, and then devote their "deconstru- cture" style''s view to research Modern World. This paper is con- tribute to describe the framwork of this book "Anti-Oedipus".