The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of government policy toward the management improvement of medium enterprises. To achieve this purpose, this research investigates the managerial problems and the counselling demands of medium enterprises the opinions of medium enterprises about government counselling policy and related laws. The findings of this research are: 1.The influence of government policy toward the management improvement of medium enterprises is little. When the managerial problems occur, the medium enterprises usually solve these problem by themselves without the assistance of government. 2."Costliness of land", "shortage of labors", "price competition between enterprises" and "inflation of wage" are the main difficulities of medium enterprises, and the efforts of government on these problems are few. 3."Professional training" and "improvement of management" are the main demands of medium enterprises for government counselling. "Research and development of technology" is the most interesting field of medium enterprises want to participate. "Management seminars" are the most significant counselling activity of medium enterprises. 4.Medium enterprises dissatisfy the government policy and don''t need the government counselling, but government counselling activities have the positive evalution to the medium enterprises that ever participate the counselling activities and realize "the regulation of medium enterprises development". "lack of promotion" and "faults of execution" are the main faults of the government couselling policy. 5."The labor basic law", "the corporation laws", "the regulation of people''s relationship between Taiwan and Mainland China", "the regulation of medium enterprises development" and "the regulation promoting industrial upgrade" are the most importment laws that affect investments and operation of medium enterprises. "Lack of promotion" is the main fault of these laws.