We use the gene order rearrangement to analyze the regulatory region (R&R) of the lux regulon from Vibrio fischeri reveals that the expression of the L-promoter is much stronger than that of the R-promoter. The results of glucose repression experiment illustrate that the expression of the L-operon is enhanced by cAMP-CRP. In trans complementation tests elucidat that the LuxR- AI complex could enhance the expression of the two promoters by binding on the motif binding site of the R&R. The evidences of site-directed mutagenesis reveal that the LuxR- AI could bind on the R1-palindrome to enhance the expression of the divergent pro- moters. In addition, site-directed mutagenesis method was used to modify the R2-reversed repeat,it shows no effect on the of the divergent promoters. So far,the function of the repeat on the R&R of the lux regulon is not clearly known yet.