The secondary forest can be divided into 5 forest types according to the results of Matrix culster analysis: (1)Cinnamomum camphora-Daphniphyllum pentandrum forest type (2)Cinnamomum randaiense-Mallotus paniculatus forest type (3)Pasania rhomocarpa-Pinus taiwanensis type (4)Mallotus paniculatus-Litea Kostermansii forest type (5)Trema orientalis- Ficus irisana forest type. It is clear from this study that the second forest type is the most abundant & typical one. In particular, according to the results of distributoin ordination that the Polar Ordination is quite similar to that of the Matrix cluster analysis, however it showed apparent differences from the results of Principle Component Analysis. The results obtained form the distribution ordination and relation analysis play a large role in interpretation of the complicated interaction between vegetation and environmental factors. Furthermore, it is understood that the relationship between environmental factors, varieties, species and environment are available to elucidate the vegetational ecology of secondary forest.In view of the stand structure, the succession sere is in processing and has not come into the climax. Tolerant trees i.e., Lauraceae and Fagaceae species, the dominant species in the vegetation communities will replace the intolerant species as succession proceeds. Considering the successional change of the above statements, which is corresponding to that of broad- leaved forest grown in the middle and low altitude area of Taiwan.