This research applies Multiple plot method to investigate two habitats of Taiwan incense-cedar of Central Taiwan. Where the vegetation composition and organization separately uses Matrix cluster analysis and Ordination method to analyze the variant characteristics of vegetation. Wild survey sampling established thirty three samples of 20m×20m in total. Including 396 species of vascular plants and all sampling plot can divided into nine vegetation types after Matrix cluster analysis. They are classified as followed: (A) Pinus taiwanensis─Rhododendron rubropilosum type, (B) Calocedrus formosana─Litsea orientalis type,(C) Calocedrus formosana─ Schefflera octophylla type,(D) Calocedrus formosana─Helicia rengetiensis type, (E) Beilschmiedia erythrophloia─Lagerstroemia subcostata type,(F) Calocedrus formosana─Cyclobalanopsis longinux type, (G) Calocedrus formosana─Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides type, (H) Neolitsea konishii─Styrax suberifolia type, (I) Mallotus paniculatus─Trema orientalis type. The result of Ordination shows that the differentiation of vegetation of this area is not obvious, apparently the vegetation composition and environmental gradient of different habitat of Taiwan incense- cedar in different areas are vary similar. There is contagious distrubution of Taiwan incense-cedar from the natural distribution, this is especially obvious for the treesof 1-10 centimeter diameter- classes. In other words, the contagion occurs where seed trees is always located in a less-disturbed and organic matter plentiful site; the seedling regenerations and grows in a site which is highly-disturbedand organic matter sterile. The population structure has shown a reversed J shape. This indicates that has a good regeneration of Taiwan incense -cedar, the mechanisms of regeneration is similar to the regeneration of Mosaic.