The amount of beverage carton using has been increasing 2500 tons in Taiwan 1992. In terms of en- vironmental problem, the beverage carton are better than the glass bottles. But , in the opinion of re- sources saving and reducing the reuse of beverage rubbish seems to be very important nowaday. In this investigation, using the clean beverage carton waste comes from the factory as raw material, by different treatments, it becomes two series of particleboards. The No Glue type and with Urea- Foraldehyde-Resin Glue type which mixed with China fir particles. The properties of particleboards from this two series were summerized as following: Most properties of the No Glue type Particle- board made from waste A and B tally the CNS 2215 standard. In high temperature, the the waste materials of polyethylene and aluminium foil that will conjugate stronger, so that the bonding between particles strength increased. But this particleboard will sof- ten again in high temperature, so this type particle boards were suggested don''t be used when the tempera- ture is higher than 70℃. Mixed with the different amounts of China fir particles to four kinds of beverage carton waste to make the Glue type particleboard bonded with UF-glue . The strength was increased by the amount of China fir particles, but moisture content and thickness swellings of those particleboards were raised. PE & aluminium foil of the beverage carton wast will dis- turb the bonding between the beverage carton parti- cles and UF glue, so that the strength of particle board will decrease, but it can prevent the absorp- tion of water. By the initial experience of this investigation ,the particleboards using beverage carton waste made in laboratory which showed good outlooking proper- ties , physical and mechanical properties. But it must think about technique and economical problems for useful utilization of this beverage carton waste