Flooding of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.), a flood- intolerant plant, induced several morphological and physiological changes.Hypocotyl cross sectional area and number of adventitious roots significantly increased after 4 days of flooding. On the first day of flooding, root respiration rate dropped to 42% of control value. Activity of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and internal ethanol concentrations increased gradually and reached a maximum level at the third day of flooding. Furthermore, a new ADH isozyme was induced as a result of flooding. Continuous flooding lead to death of seminal root system after 8 days of flooding. The accumulation of ethanol may result in death of root root system. Leaves of young seedlings of bitter melon exhibited reduced leaf carbon dioxide exchange rate (CER), stomatal conduc- tance, transpiration rate, soluble protein content, chlorophyll content, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase(Rubisco) activity and Rubisco content. Stomatal conductance was positively correlatedwith CER (R square=0.92). However, the internal carbon dioxide concentration (Ci) of leaf tissues of flooding-treated plants increased from 240 .mu.bars at day 0 up to 380 .mu.bars at day 6 of flooding. Furthermore, starch was found to accumulate in chloroplasts of the flooding-treated leaves. These results indicate that both stomatal and metabolic factors are responsible for the reduction in CER during flooding stress. Dark respiration of leaf increased concomitantly with Ci elevation. Rubisco activities were shown to linearly correlate with Rubisco content (R square=0.89) and the percent activation of Rubisco declined. The elevation of Ci may be involved in lowering the percent activation of Rubisco during flooding stress.