For preserving the representative ecosystem and the rare species in central Taiwan, the Taiwan Forest Bureaus plans to set up Zueyenshi Nature Reserve. It locates at Nan-Tou Hsein and includes the 132 to 135 compartments of Puli Forest District. Elevation ranges from 1210m to 3416m and total area is about 1450 hectares. There is rich plant resource in this reserve. Totally 718 taxa, belonging to 142 families and 412 genera were found. Based on cluster analysis, 5 zone could be identified, including fir forest zone, alder forest, hemlock forest zone, oak forest zone, and alpine scrub and grassland. Oak forest zone could be subdivided into 5 forest types, namely Machilus zuihoensis- Cinnamomum insularimontamum type , Lithocarpus lepidocarpus- Turpinia formosana type, Castanopsis carlesii- Cyclobalanopsis morii-Schima superba type , Taxus mairei-Cyclobalanopsis stenophylla-Trochodendron aralioides type, and Chamaecyparis formosensis-Tsuga chinensis type. Several rare species were found in thisreserve, such as Symplocos nokoensis, Sinopanax formosana and Rubus liui. Taxus mairei and Cephalotaxus wilsoniana are two precious and characteristic tree species. The age structures of these two populations are not continuous. The establishments of those two populations were closely related to the microenvironment of the habitat. Wildfires played important role in the population dynamics and regeneration of the coniferous forests. For protecting this reserve, some strategies have to be conducted.