This paper is attempted to describe the effects of TV-teletext and speech on visual fatigue and plot perception. There were 4 different conditions among language spoken and teletext showed, and were tested on 20 sampling subjects in this experiment. These 4 conditions were:1.Mandarin without teletext 2.Mandarin with teletext 3.English without teletext 4. English with teletext. Before and after each experiment, CFF(Critical Fusion Frequency) and VT(Visual Treshold) were measured on each subject. After the experiment were finished, subjects had been asked to fill in the questionnaires to evaluate the plot perception. During the 90 minute continueous watching, the blink rate and eye movement were examined. Results of the research were as follows: First: The effect of teletext used and speech spoken on the plot perception were very significant, and the respective Pr value of them equals to 0.0001. The preference ranking order was Mandarin without teletext,Mandarin with teletext,English with Chinese teletext and English without teletext. Second:The effects of teletext used and speech spoken on visual treshold were insignificant. Third:The effects of all 4 conditions as well as English spoken with teletext condition and English spoken without teletext condition, on the critical fusion frequency, were very significant,and the Pr order for them were respectively as 0.0001, 0.0228,0.0292. Forth: The effects of all 4 conditions and English spoken with teletext on the blink rate were decreased at the end of the experiment,and the Pr order was 0.0117, 0.0238. Fifth: The effect of condition with teletext was significant either to the Saccade of the eyeballs,average moving distance, average horizontal moving distance, average vertical moving distance, moving distance per minute, horizontal moving distance per minute, and vertical moving distance per minute of the eyeballs. No effect of speech had been found significant in the measurement.