Aeromonas hydrophila 是一株具有菌體外良好分泌能力的革蘭氏陰性、 兼性厭氣菌,遍存於流水、潮溼土壤以及未處理的廢水中。此外,也被認 為是一種人類與魚類的伺機性病原菌,其分泌的許多菌體外蛋白質如溶血 素、(hemolysins)、腸毒素(enterotoxins)、與蛋白質分解酵素( proteases)一般咸認為與該菌的致病性有關,然而這些毒素在 Aeromonashydrophila致病過程中真正扮演的角色至今仍不清楚。藉由研 究從 Aeromonas hydrophila 基因庫中篩選的蛋白質分解酵素基因,我們 試圖去探究蛋白質外分解酵素在A. hydrophila致病性方面的貢獻以及革 蘭氏陰性菌分泌菌體 A. hydrophila 致病性方面的貢獻以及革蘭氏陰性 菌分泌菌體外蛋白質的可能機制。首先我們針對帶有蛋白質分解酵素基因 的 4.3kb DNA 片段,進行一連串的次選殖及限制圖譜分析,而後以 Sanger 的雙去氧鏈終止法 (dideoxy chain termination method) 進 行核■酸序列分析的結果,推測一個由 1038bps 組成的可能開放閱讀架 (open reading frame),可解譯出由 346 個氨基酸組成、分子量約 為37.5kD 的多胜■;此與經 minicell analysis 與 SDS-PAGE 分析鑑 定蛋白質分解酵素的分子量為 37kD 相符。將此蛋白質分解酵素在 56 0C 加熱 30 分鐘後活性便告喪失;且經由 minicell fractionation發現 其主要集中在細胞膜部份。因此,我們認為此蛋白質分解酵素是一種熱不 安定性的外膜蛋白質。此外,以A.hydrophila 的蛋白質分解酵素基因作 為探針,由臨床病人不同檢體培養所得菌體的染色體 DNA 進行南方吸漬 法 (Southern blotting) 分析,發現絕大多數都有雜交帶出現;且這些 有雜交帶的菌種經鑑定大都屬於Aeromonas species。因此,蛋白質分解 酵素 (protease)在 A.hydrophila的致病性方面可能扮演某種重要的角色 肌氨酸分解酵素 (creatinase)臨床上被用來偵測血清與尿液中肌氨酸■( creatinine)與肌氨酸(creatine)量;另外,罹患肌肉萎縮症的病人,其 酵素之酵素動力學與正常人有很大不同。因此,利用本實驗室已由 Pseudomonas putida的基因庫中篩選的肌氨酸分解酵素基因作探針,我 們試圖選殖人類骨骼肌 cDNA 基因庫中的肌氨酸分解酵素基因。目前初步 得到五個可能的 positive clones , 而關於 creatinase 的活性分析則 仍在進行當中。 Aeromonas hydrophila is a gram-negative , facultatively anaerobic bacterium. This organism has been recognized as an opportunistic pathogen of humans and fish . The pathogenicity of A. hydrophila may involve several extracellular proteins including hemolysins , enterotoxins, and proteases.We cloned the protease gene from genomic library of A. hydrophila and investigated the role of protease in the pathogenicity of this organism and the extracellular protein secretion mechanisms of gram-negative bacteria. A 4.3 kb DNA fragment containing protease-encoding gene was cloned from genomic library of A. hydrophilia . For nucleotide sequence determination , we obtained several subclones and each was sequenced by Sanger's dideoxy chain termination method, nucleotide sequence analysis predicted a possible open reading frame composed of 1038bps encodes a 346 amino acids polypeptide and the predicted molecular weight is appromixmately 37.5kD , which is in reasonable agreement with the size derived from minicell analysis. The cloned protease was unstable by heating at 56C for 30 min and detected in the membrane fraction . It was proposed that the protease is a heat-labile and outer membrane protein . In addition , many bacteria were cultured from different samples of different clinical patients . When the protease gene was used as a a probe , Southern blotting analysis and bacteria species determination revealed that protease may play an important role in the pathogenesis of A. hydrophila. Creatinase is used in clinics to determine the level of creatinine and creatine in serum and urine. We attempted to clone the creatinase gene from human skeletal muscle cDNA library by using P. putida creatinase gene as a probe . Five positive clones have been obtained and the creatinase activity assay is currently undergoing.