The integration of the metro and bus operation planning is a fuzzy multiobjective optimization problem. The traditional de- cision theory ignores the problems of imprecision and of fuzzi- ness,so it is often criticized in practical cases. Transportation specialists do not pay enough attention to this issue, either. The purpose of this paper is to solve the fuzzy optimization problem of the operation plan under a fixed and variable demand. To determine a suitable compromize solution, this study will use the concept of maximizing the smallest normalized diviation from aspiration levels to develop an algorithm. In empirical study, it has been found that the weighted operator, not the min operator, is suitable for the fixed demand model. To evaluate the alternatives of this operation plan, this study develops evaluation models according to the individual de- cision and the group decision. In the individual decision model, this study uses fuzzy synthetic decision, approximation reasoning and fuzzy linguistic approach to develop a multiple-layered de- cision( MLD) model. This MLD model can solve the problem of trans- ferring a basic level model to a higer level one. In the group decision model, this study uses fuzzy measure theory to revise the AHP model. According to the case study, the fuzzy measure AHP can provide more information for decision makers. This model can solve some problems that traditional AHP can not deal with, like decision attribute dependence, average value, fuzziness number and consensus decision problems. Because the fuzzy AHP can deal with decision attribute dependence problem, this study puts the evaluator at the decision making process to develop a con- sensus decision model. From the case study, the opinion of the minority will not be ignored, so this model is very suitable for the studies in conflicting decision environments.