Dynamics and control of slewing flexible structures are studied in this dissertation with both discrete and distributed parameter models. A formulation is presented for analyzing flexible structures with coupled rigid-body motion and elastic vibration. Both analytical and experimental results indicate that the system natural frequencies are affected by the coupled rigid-body motion. Based on this dynamics interaction, the constrained motion method is developed from high-authority control and low-authority control architecture for application to the discrete model of slewing flexible structure vibration control, and the effectiveness is experimentally validated in a fast slewing maneuver test setup. In addition, an optimal output feedback control is also developed to overcome the spillover problem associated with the discrete model. The condition of observation spillover stabilization is derived and the performance degradation from control spillover can be minimized. The state-space controller design for distributed parameter model is developed by extending the optimal output feedback control derived in discrete model. Compared with the control law derived with state feedback, estimation or measurement of the distributed states is no longer required and the impractical distributed functional gain can be avoided. A stability criterion is developed from the root locus method for the vibration control of slewing flexible structures in frequency domain. The stability criterion is effective in stable controller design, and the spillover problem from discrete model is no longer an issue.