The subject of the master thesis discusses the three dimensi- nal proporational navigation problems for homing missiles. Basi- ng on the basic mathematical definations ,we find an analyzed m- ethod for the three dimensional pursued problems and get much c- onception from the analysis of them. In the article ,we first define and solve the two and three dimensional Pure Pursuit problems. From the closed-form solutio- ns of this two problems, we can conclude that the 3D Pure Pursu- it problem is equivalent to the 2D problem. The choices of two coordinate systems cause the difference of the mathematical clo- sed-form solutions. If we can select coordinate system appropri- ately, then the real 3D interceptive problem may be simplified as a 2D problem sometimes. The contribution of this article is that we derive the 3D ki- nematic equations for missiles using the proporational navigation (TPN,PPN) from the definations. We also find a new 3D guidance law from the derivation of three dimensional PPN kinematic equat- ion and is named Special Proporational Navigation(SPN). Form the numerical simulation, we find the advantages of SPN. In the same pursued conditions, missiles using SPN as the guidance law have the shortter time of interception than the ones using TPN. In the present research of missile guidances, we only discuss the optimal guidance laws for missiles by setting the motions of targets( one-player game). The real pursued problems have to cons- ider both missiles and targets have their "Intelligence", that is , not only missiles taking guidance laws but also targets doing. The mathematical method of this master thesis can be used to ana- lyze the real pursued problems as a two-player game.