This study uses the aggregated data from 1979 to 1989 to build migration models for the migrants employed in the service industry. The Elimination-by-Aspects model was estimated to study the relative importance and the influe- ntial threshold of the locational factors influencing these migrants.The choice structure is defined as two levels. The upper level is the choice of region,and the lower one is the choice of subarea within each region. To compare the characteristics between the migrants from different regions and at different temporal periods,this study divides each sample into three segments by their out-migrant regions and two segments by their out-migrant time. The emperical results indicate that the model for the Northern and Central regions show better fittness than that of the Southern region . This implies that the more the observations in the sample choose the alternative with the best attributes, the better fittness the model would be when using a non- tradeoff decision making model such as the EBA model. In the choice of region, the most important factor infl- uencing the migrants from the northern and centarl regions is the '' ratio of the service industrial employment''. The influ- ential threshold is about 61% of the level in the best alt- ernative (the northern region). But income variable is the most important one for the southern migrants. The influential threshold of the factor'' average current income'' is about 75% of the level in the northern region.