The goal of this study is to discuss the demrits between development and water quality management. Performance stand- ard is applied to solve the question. This study tries to construct development carrying capacity assessment model (DC CAM) in linear programming model. It will impose restriction on assimulative capacity on the principle of water resource protection, so as to make the reasonable assignment of land resource. To certify the feasibility of DCCAM , this study will make a pilot test in Nan-Hwa watershed protected area. The conclusion of the research is as follow:Ⅰ. About water guality management in watershed reservoir: To take performance standard into water qualtiy manage- ment, it should consider water quality standard and assimu- lative capacity which will be the reference of total-amount- control.Ⅱ. About Construction of DCCAM: If assimulative capacity can be loaded with pollutant from development activity, DCCAM will be applied to search the optimum solution of land resource assignment.Ⅲ. About Practical application: Development permission depends on the surplus carrying capacity. Development activities which load out a large amount of pollutant should be carefully controlled to prevent from unrecoverable damage.