The earlier researches in the area of freight demand were concentrated on the problem of mode competition. Gradually the idea of analyzing the short-run freight demand using inventory theory has been proposed and commonly accepted. Since then, the research in freight demand analysis has extended from only mode choice to the choice of mode as well as shipment size. From the foreign experiences, the choice of the mode and shipment size are decided in the joint manner, where the choice of mode is a discrete choice, and the choice of the shipment size is a continuous one. Therefore, it would be useful to consider the choice of mode and shipment size to be a joint discrete and continuous process. The application of the joint discrete and continuous choice model for the analysis of freight demand is still in initial stage, there are still many problems. Especially, how to derive the freight demand function which is appropriate for empirical analysis is a crucial one. Because the logistics cost function is a complex non-linear function, it would be difficult to derive a linear, additive demand function so that it can''t be apply to empirical analysis. Therefore, most researchers must to simplify the non-linear function, so that a linear model can be developed. However, the resulting model becomes a function of modal attributes and the basic characteristics of the inventory theory has been ignored......