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研究生(外文):Ming-Shiou Jan
論文名稱(外文):Studies of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B Induced Thymocyte
指導教授(外文):Yee-Shin Lin
中文關鍵詞:金黃色葡萄球菌 B 型腸毒素計劃性死亡細胞不反應狀態胸腺激素類皮質糖素
外文關鍵詞:staphylococcal enterotoxin BSEBapoptosisanergythymic
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金黃色葡萄球菌 B 型腸毒素 (SEB) 為金黃色葡萄球菌所釋放的腸毒素群
中之一員,有刺激免疫 T 細胞的作用。有別於一般不具特異性之增殖原
,SEB 刺激帶有 T 細胞受器 b 鏈變異區特定胺基酸序的 T 細胞。SEB刺
激成熟 T 細胞增殖,但對於不成熟胸腺細胞則造成計劃性死亡
(programmed cell death or apoptosis),另一方面,受 SEB 刺激過的
成熟 T 細胞再次受 SEB, 或 anti-CD3 刺激 會大大減低增殖能力,稱為
不反應狀態 (anergy) 。細胞死亡及不反應狀態導致特定群落細胞的排除
及功能性的喪失,即所謂免疫系統的耐受性。我們實驗室發現 SEB 經由
靜脈注射給予小鼠造成不成熟 CD4+CD8+ 細胞大量死亡並不僅限於是特
定 Vb8 胸腺細胞的數目減少,經 SEB 刺激之後,除了帶有特定 Vb 的細
胞會被 delete 之外,可能有其它因素導致胸腺細胞之死亡。基於實驗室
早先的研究發現 SEB 影響胸腺中胸腺激素 (thymic hormone) 含量的變
論文將探討胸腺激素與類脂醇對 SEB 引發胸腺萎縮的效應。此外,探討
受再次 SEB 刺激造成成熟 T 細胞呈現不反應狀態的過程中細胞族群、第
二型淋巴間質素 (IL-2) 的變化及影響細胞增殖的可能因素。實驗結果證
實靜脈注射 SEB 予小鼠造成胸腺萎縮且胸腺細胞有 DNA 片段化增加的現
象。粗萃取的胸腺激素可以減少 SEB 造成胸腺萎縮程度。進一步分析兩
種 HPLC 純化的胸腺激素: prothymosin a (ProTa) 及 thymosin b4
(Tb4),發現僅 Tb4 同樣具有減緩 SEB 造成胸腺萎縮的功能。腎上腺摘
除實驗組之小鼠胸腺重量減少的比例則明顯小於給予 SEB 但未摘除腎上
及數目同樣有增加的趨勢。自靜脈注射 SEB 之小鼠取出的脾臟細胞經培
養發現對 SEB 及 anti-CD3 mAb 無增殖反應且無 IL-2 的產生,但 SEA
刺激的增殖反應則沒有影響並有恢復釋出 IL-2 的現象。小鼠脾臟細胞在
注射 SEB 一天後就細胞族群的分析發現 T 細胞的比例減少,但於第二天
又增加, Vb8.1,2+ 的細胞亦於注射 SEB 一天後增加,但 IL-2
receptor+ 的細胞在注射 SEB 一天比例就增加,第二天以後則未少於控
制組 IL-2 receptor+ 細胞的比例。外加 IL-2 於培養之中並無法有效
地恢復細胞增殖作用,因此 SEB 引起不反應可能不是因為細胞缺乏 IL-2

Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is a member of enterotoxins
secreted by Staphylococcus aureus . SEB stimulates T cells
which bear specific Vb segment of T cell receptor (TCR).
Recent studies indicate that in addition to stimulation of
peripheral T cells, SEB induces programmed cell death
(apoptosis) in immature thymocytes. Furthermore, a repeated
stimulation of mature T cells results in a state of anergy.
Previous studies in our laboratory demonstrated that
administration of SEB resulted in the induction of apoptosis
especially in immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes.
Glucocorticosteroid has been shown to induce apop- tosis in
immature thymocyte both in vivo and in vitro. We first
investigate whether thymic hormones might protect thymocytes
from SEB-induced apoptosis. Results show that after
administration of partially purified thymic hormone to SEB-
primed mice, the thymus weight, thymocyte numbers, and immature
CD4+CD8+, TCRablow, and Thy1.2high thymocyte subpopulations are
partially elevated as compared with the mice treated with SEB
alone. Further studies indicate that thymosin b4, but not
ProTa, partially reverse SEB- induced thymus atrophy. It has
been known that castration causes enlargement of thymus, our
data indicate that thymus shrinkage induced by SEB could not be
reversed by castration. On the other hand, SEB-induced thymus
atrophy is partially reversed by adrenalectomy. In studies of
SEB-induced hyporesponsiveness of peripheral T lymphocytes, the
results show that in vivo SEB- primed splenocytes exhibit a
reduced level of cell proliferation in response to SEB and anti-
CD3 mAb, but not to SEA. The SEB-, SEA-, or Con A-stimulated
IL-2 production appeared to reduced in splenocytes previously
primed with SEB. By third and fourth days following SEB
administration, 200 U/ml of IL-2 reverse the cell proliferation
to the control level, whereas 50 and 100 U/ml of IL-2 fail to
do the same.

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