Microprocessor systems are working everywhere in our world. How to build a microprocessor system prototype as soon as possible is very important for the designers. But, the available CAD tools can't help designers "design" microprocessor systems. Our purpose is to raise the CAD tools up to "design" level, which helps designers to design microprocessor system prototypes from the system-level specification. In this paper, we proposed an improved blackboard framework, called object-oriented blackboard framework, which combines the advantages of object- oriented design and blackboard framework. OOBF is an open frameowrk, which can be applied to three kinds of softwares : 1. object-oriented knowledge base systems 2. distributed problem-solving environments 3. integrating domain softwares OOBF has the advantages of high openness and high effiency. We apply the OOBF to develop an object-oriented knowledge base system, which implements a microprocessor system design environment successfully to support the following functionalities : 1. object-oriented analysis of microprocessor system design 2. construction of object-oriented design knowledge base 3. construction of object-oriented device library 4. open framework for problem-solving