There are two main topics in this thesis, one is the VLSI implementation for the LPC cepstrum algorithm, and the other is to present two VLSI architectures for implementing the Bayesian Network. In the first part, a pipelining architecture for implementing the 8-stage cepstrum algorithm is proposed. The circuit performs the cepstrum operation for each frame of the speech data, and its high speed performance can meet the requirement of real time speech recognition. The cepstrum chip is fabricated in 1.2 um double-metal CMOS techinology after the physical design and circuit verification. According to the chip testing report by the IMS XL-60 tester, the chip can normally execute up to 18.3 MHz. On the whole, the chip contains about 24000 transistors which occupy 227*213 mils2. The process of Bayesian Network is extremely important and has been used in a variety of speech processing applications such as isolated,connected speech recognition, speaker verification, and identification. A major consideration in evaluating the performance of a recognizer based on the Bayisian Network is its computational complexity.In the second part, we present two floating-point architectures for implementing the digital Bayesian Network,one based on the CORDIC operations and the other based on the Computing Convergence Method (CCM). The whole function of Bayesian architecture has been simulated by the hardware description language (HDL), Verilog, and its data format is designed to be compatible with IEEE 754 standard. Therefore, the recognition model, Bayesian Network, can be implemented into a single chip and applied to the above applications.