In this thesis,a performance-driven globla router called POPAR (Path-Oriented Performance-Aimed global Router) is proposed.In digital systems,the clock rate of a digital system is determined by the sowest of all possible signal propagation paths.Such a path is called the critical path.In order to reduce the delay along every critical path, the algorithm is divided into two phases.In the first phase, the main consideration is the circuit performance.The algorithm tries to minimize the delay upper-bound among likely critical paths.In the second phase,the algorithm completes all the partial routed or unrouted nets.The objectives of this phase are to reduce the total wire length and to improve routability. In this system POPAR ,it firstly finds an initial solution, and reroutes some nets or subpaths to reduce the capacity violatios based on some heuristic methods.Rerouting a net each time not only reduces the number of rerouting, but also avoids cycles.If there exists a solution,the proposed algorithm will find it in polynominally bounded number of steps.If, for some iterations, a solution does not exist,then an escape procedure is applied and the process continues until a solution is obtained or no solution is reported.Experimental results show that POPAR improves the performance of global routing effectively.