Most of Single crystals is produced by the Czochralski(cz) procress. The dislocations are frist introduced during the Czochralski growth of GaAs that is crystallographic glid caused by the excessive thermal stress. The dislocations formed in bulk single crystals during Czochralski growth have adverse effect on the performance of electronic and optical devices. Most of studies have used the elastically isotropic model characterized by the young''s modulus and the Poisson ratio, which enables an axisymmetric thermal stress analysis. This model is not correct. Strictly speaking, a three- dimensional analysis, which takes account of elastic anisotropic, should be conducted. Experimental evidence indicates that in reality the solid-liquid interface is curved during the Czochralski growth. Therefore, a parobolic-shape interface is considered in this article. Moreover, in order to accurately reflect the nature of material, the physical properties are taken as function of temperature. A powerful numerical method, consisting of discretizing the space domain by F.E.M. , and treating the time domain by Laplace and inverse Laplace transform,is adopted in this article . The magnitude of stress and dislocation density parameter are compared between anisotropic and isotroic analyses.Numerical results indicate that the thermal stress analyzed anisotropic theory is generally larger than that by isotropic theory. Furthermore, significant differences can be found in their distribution patterns between both analyses. It is also observed that higher stress level is concenrated around the bottom and top of interface. Moreover,the larger the curvature of interface , the higher the stress level concentrated in the top of interface.