In this dissertation, a control configuration for multivariable systems with periodic exogenous signals is proposed. The plant is assumed to be linear time-invarient,minimum phase, nonsingular , strictly proper and may be unstable. The exogenous siganls considered for different channels may have different periods and at least be piecewise-continuous. Combining Zames'' theorem with the repetitive control, a design algorithm to make the control system achieve closed-loop stabili- ty, input-output decoupling and a prespecified sensitivity bound is proposed. In this study the tracking accuracy is required to satisfy specification defined in the sense of relative steady state error. The sensitivity specification includes a lower bound within a bandwidth and an upper bound for higher frequency range. A control system configuration is established using pure repetitive control structure associated with a low pass filter. The stability is guaranteed using regeneration spectrum analysis. The effect of such a repetitive controller on sensitivity is derived. The design algorithm is verified by an illustrative example. Comparing with other design methodology, the proposed algorithm produces a less conservative and much simpler controller.