The media for delivering HDTV to consumers' homes include terrestrial broadcasting, satellite broadcasting and cable TV networks. In Japan and Europe, satellite was chosen, because it is the most readily available vehicle to deliver HDTV sig- nals to a wide area of receivers. In the U.S., terrestrial broadcasting of HDTV was mandatary. One of the rationales was the concern of Freedom of Press which the U.S. Congress does not think that press controlled by few delivery media will be good for the public. Hence, the FCC would like to see that every existing terrestrial broadcaster gets into HDTV broad- casting. It is common belief that any HDTV investment could justify economically at least in the first several years HDTV broadcasting starts. This is why broadcasters worldwide generally feel lukewarm about HDTV. This research investigates HDTV technologies, analog/digital video delivery technologies, and the potential new video applications and services that can be offered. Af- ter evaluating the technical and economic feasibilities of different HDTV delivery media, this thesis recommends that preferred HDTV delivery medium in Taiwan should be the cable TV network.