In this thesis, we present a novel to mapping algorithms onto linear arrays. First, we use directed acyclic graphs(DAGs) to represent the computation dependence of algorithms. The vertices in a DAG denote statements of an algorithm and an arc between a pair of vertices denotes the data flow. We partition the vertices of the DAG into a group of sets by topological sorting, and the vertices in each set are assigned to different processing elements(PEs). Two dependence vertices should be assigned to PEs whose distance is as near as possible. Design examples are also described in this thesis including multiplication of band-matrix and vector, convolution problem, sorting, matrix multiplication, and dynamic programming problem. Our linear arrays for sorting, band-matrix and vector multiplication, and convolution problem require only half the number of PEs used by Ramakrishnan's designs, while the computation time is the same. If each PE in the linear array has local memory of size n or has n-1 shift registers in a channel, the linear array designed for matrix multiplication are better than previous results. The time delay of the channels does not depend on the problem size in the linear array designed for the optimal parenthesization problem using dynamic programming approach. As a result, we can solve the dynamic programming problem using fixed size linear array independent of the problem size by partitioning the problem.