The Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a matrix is an important numerical algorithm for signal processing. Because it is complex and difficult for SVD computation, efficient hardware architecture and implementation are indispensable when real-time computation of the SVD is required. In this thesis, a novel hardware oriented diagonalization scheme for the SVD of an expandable 2x2 matrix, the basic step for the computation of the SVD, was presented. This architecture can perform very fast SVD computation and is very simple for ease in hardware implementation. A VLSI implementation of this architecture has been developed . The processor chip is realized as a standard cell design with 12383 gates in 0.8u SPDM CMOS technology, 50 MHz clock frequency, and 4610u x 5320u silicon area in a 100-pin package. Simulation for SVD of a 4x4 matrix, which is constructed by using four 2x2 SVD processor, has also been done as part of verification.