Four major habitats of the Nanjenshan Preserve, based on climatic and topographic interactions, include the following: windward I, windward II, leeward, and creek type. Differences in survivorship and growth rate of the seedlings between these habitats were tested by growing about 2 month seedlings of four representative species within each habitat. Both Illicium arborescens and Rhaphiolepis indica var. hi- iranensis showed a high survival rate (over 80 %, except in wi- ndward), and Mallotus paniculatus represents the lowest (under 40 %, except in gap); The survival rate of Schefflera octophy- lla was found to be variable, although all measurements were higher than 50%. Only Mallotus paniculatus revealed significant differences between habitats in survival analyse. The results of ANOVA indicated that growth rate was hightest for all speci- es within the gap area than those of the other habitats. Differences in the growth of the seedlings was also obser- ved in strong response to seasonal changes. Beside gap site, there was no singnificant difference in survival rate and growth between habitats under the forest. This was probablily due to a short period of experiment. A longer period observa- tion of study and more information about seed production and seed dispersal were needed to explain the segregation patterns of the vegetation.