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研究生(外文):Huang Yi Jing
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the development and quality characteristics of heat- coagulated,flavored egg product.
指導教授(外文):Yang, ShengChinChi, SueyPing
口試委員(外文):Chang, HsiShanKo, WenChing
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臺灣雞蛋的消費,由民國44年的每人每年33枚(其中包括雞蛋15枚,鴨蛋18枚)到民國80年的223枚(其中包括雞蛋202枚,鴨蛋21枚) (農林廳,1991),逐漸增加。雞蛋的消費主要以殼蛋為主。在季節間有淡旺季之分影響家禽業者的經營, 因此如何以開發新產品的方式來刺激蛋的消費是本研究的主要目的。實驗擬探討以蛋白或全蛋為主要原料,添加風味調味劑及質地改良粘著劑,以製造類似魚板糕的蛋加工製品。雞蛋蛋白質主要功能性質之一就是加熱凝膠,其膠體特性受到添加物的影響而改變。本產品的開發擬添加魚漿、馬鈴薯澱粉與紅藻膠來改變產品膠體特性,且利用反應曲面法來討論添加成分因子及加熱條件對產品的硬度、水分含量的關係模式,配合官能品評接受性,擇一理想配方與製程,其後擬針對貯存過程中其色澤、硬度、滲水性與總生菌數等之變化加以探討,以得知其理想之保存狀況。結果得知以雞蛋蛋白為主要原料時,硬度與三種成分因子添加的影響模式為:335.96+2.00X1-24.27X2+26.33X3-0.09X1*X1+0.18X2*X1+ 1.20X2*X2+3.05X3*X3+0.33X3*X2-1.54X3*X3(X1:魚漿添加量/100g 液體蛋白;X2:馬鈴薯澱粉添加量0-12g/100g 液體蛋白;X3:紅藻膠添加量0-2g/100g液體蛋白),水份=79.29-0.11X1-0.58X2-2.64X3+0.01X2*X1+0.03X2*X2-0.22X3*X2+1.30X3*X3;加熱條件得到的水分相關性很低,硬度的預測極值在90℃加熱42.25分鐘時為最高326g。產品生菌數在4℃冷藏情形之下,18天仍未超過百萬cfu/g樣品,冷凍-18℃則一個月仍未超過百萬個cfu/g樣品。綜合其它物性及風味上的觀察顯示保存期限在4℃ 9天後就開使變味。以雞蛋全蛋為主要原料時得到硬度的模式為592.33-5.75X1+10.19X2+371.20X3+0.23X1*X1-0.83X2*X1-1.16X2*X2-3.20X3*X1-9.08X3*X2-66.67X3*X3(X1:魚漿添加量0-20g/100 液體全蛋;X2:馬鈴薯澱粉添加量0-6g/100g 液體全蛋;X3:紅藻膠添加量0-2g/100g 液體全蛋),水分=70.92-0.03X1-0.54X2-0.04X3+0.04X2*X2-0.03X3*X1-0.15X3*X2+0.18X3*X3加熱條件得到硬度的預測極值在95.8℃加熱6.5分鐘時得到最高,水分的相關性頗低,產品的保存過程變化與蛋白大致相同。
The per capita consumption of chicken egg in Taiwan increased from 33 in 1955 to 223 in 1991,a gradual increase per year. Eggs was consumed mainly with shell eggs,and the amount of shell eggs consumed varied depending upon the seasons. In less-consume season, the surplus of shell eggs caused an economic problem for the poultry industry. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to develop new egg products to increased the consumption of chicken eggs. The goal of this experiment was to manufacture a kamaboko-type egg product by using egg white or whole egg, with the addition of flavoring, seasoning and exture stabilizers. One of the most important functional properties of eggs is heat coagulation,the characteristics of the heated gel is affected by the texture stabilizers. In this experiment, surimi (fish paste), potato starch and carrageenan were added to improve the texture of the egg product. The response surface method (RSM) was applied to explain the effect of stabilizers and heating conditions on the moisture content and toughness of the egg product. With the aid of sensory evaluation, the optimum condition for manfacturing the egg product was determined, and its color syneresis, toughness and microbial changes during storage were also investigated. Results revealed that with the egg white as the material, the model for the toughness that was affected by the stabilizer was:Y=335.96+2.00X1-24.27X2+26.33X3-0.09X1*X1+0.18X2*X1+1.20X1*X3+3.05X2*X2+0.33X3*X2-1.54X3*X3(Y:toughness(g);X1:surimi 0-20g/100g liquid egg white;X2:potato starch 0-12g/100g liquid egg white;X3:carrageenan 0-2g/100g liquid egg white) .The moisture content was Y=79.29-0.11X1-0.58X2-2.63X3+0.01X2* X1+0.03X1*X3-0.01X2*X2-0.22X3*X2+1.30X3*X3.(Y:moisturecontent﹪;X1:surimi 0-20g/100g liquid egg white;X2:potatostarch 0-12g/100g liquid egg white;X3:carrageenan 0-2g/100gliquid egg white).The moisture content of the egg white productwas egg white product.
摘要 1
英文摘要 3
第一章 、前言 6
第二章 、文獻回顧 8
一.雞蛋蛋白與蛋黃之組成分 8
二. 雞蛋蛋白質之加熱凝膠機制 11
三.影響雞蛋蛋白加熱凝膠的因素 12
四.添加安定劑對熱凝膠產品質地之影響 15
五.雞蛋熱凝膠加工製品的介紹 25
六.反應曲面法在食品上之應用 28
第三章、材料方法 32
一.材料 32
二.方法 36
三.產品分析及評估項目 36
第四章 、結果與討論 46
壹.雞蛋調味加熱凝膠製品的配方與製程 47
一.蛋白調味加熱凝膠製品 47
二.全蛋調味加熱凝膠製品 67
貳.產品保存性質的探討雞蛋加熱凝膠製品的財存性質 86
一.白調味加熱凝膠製品 86
二.蛋調味加熱凝膠製品 100
第五章 結論118
參考文獻 120
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