In the real-time system, each task is with the time-critical restrictions, especially deadline. If any task cannot be fini- shed by its deadline, it will incur time fault and make the re- sult meaningless. Unfortunately, it is hard to make all tasks meeting their time-critical restrictions. An Imprecise Computa- tion Model was proposed to cope with this situation. In this thesis, we study the problem of minimizing total weighted error of an Imprecise Computation task system. In the Imprecise Computation Model, each task is logically decomposed into two subtasks: mandatory and optional. The manda- tory subtask of each each task must be completely executed to generate an acceptable result, while its optional subtask begi- nning after the mandatory subtask is completed can be left unfi- nished. The optional part is used to refine the result generated by its associated mandatory one. If the optional subtask is unfinished, it will occur an error, where error is simply equal to the processing time of the unfinished portion of the optional subtask. We consider the problem of preemptively scheduling n inde- pendent tasks on m > 1 identical processor system so as to mini- mize total weighted error. For this problem, we give an polyno- mial-time algorithm, Algorithm MINTWE, which runs in O(kn square㏒ square n), where k is the number of different weights.