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論文名稱(外文):Influence of fructooligosacharide(FOS) on the composition of intestinal microflora of BALB/c Mice and Their DHEAS (dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate conversion ability)
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摘 要

Dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA) 及DHE-sulfate (DHEAS) 是人類腎上腺皮質的主要分泌產物,它們的生物功能至今還不是很清楚。DHEAS可由腸道微生物進行去硫反應變成DHEA在吸收回血液中。目前的研究較少直接看腸道微生物與DHEAS轉換兩者之間得關係。Bifidobacterium 是腸道中的有益微生物,近年來已經引起重視並添加到食物中當成健康食品。Lactobacillus 的功能和Bifidobacterium 類似,可以防止腸道致病菌滋生維持正常腸道菌相。本實驗室發現一些 Bifidobacterium 及Lactobacillus 具有轉換DHEAS的能力。有研究報告指出果寡醣(FOS)可以促進Bifidobacterium 生長。本實驗選擇用FOS添加到飼料中來餵養BALB/c 小白鼠,看對其腸道中的總菌數、Lactobacillus及Bifidobacterium 的菌數是否有影響,腸道菌之菌相分佈是否因此而改變,以及探討是否能增加腸道中能夠轉換DHEAS的菌數。由本實驗的結果來看,在餵養54週期間FOS的濃度由1%提高為3%,實驗組與對照組小白鼠腸道中總菌數、Lactobacillus 菌數及Bifidobacterium 的菌數無明顯差異,且隨者餵養時間增長同一隻實驗組小白鼠腸道中的各菌數亦無增加趨勢;比較實驗組與對照組小白鼠之腸道菌相分析結果,可以看出餵養FOS的確會改變實驗組小白鼠之腸道菌相;而實驗組與對照組小白鼠腸道中能夠轉換DHEAS的菌數百分比差異不大,且隨著餵養時間增加以及FOS濃度的提高,實驗組小白鼠腸道中能夠轉換DHEAS的菌數沒有增多,反而有點下降趨勢。
Dehydroepiandrosterone ( DHEA ) and DHEA-sulfate ( DHEAS ) are major products of the human adrenal cortex. The biofunctions of DHEA and DHEAS are uncertain . It was suggested that they might involved in a variety of physiological functions. DHEAS can be desulfated into DHEA by intestinal microflora, and hence be reabsorbed by the intestine. There are few direct studies on the relationship between the conversion of DHEAS and the intestinal microflora. Some Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strain have DHEAS conversion ability. It had been reported that fructooligosaccharide (FOS) can stimulate the growth of Bifidobacterium, In this experiment, the normal diet of mice (BALB/c) was supplemented with either 1 % or 3% FOS. The changes of intestinal bacteria, including total count, the number of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus were monitored. At the same time, the changes of the composition of intestinal microflora was also analyzed by using total activity and biochemical test analysis. The results indicate that FOS can not stimulate the growth of intestinal bacteria. On the other hand, different results of biochemical tests were observed between experimental and control mice which indicated that FOS could change the compositions of intestinal microflora. Furthermore, we had also analyzed the DHEAS conversion ability of randomly selected intestinal microorganisms. The results shown that there was little differences between the number of intestinal bacteria obtained from experimental and control mice which could carried out DHEAS conversion. However, It seems that the number of intestinal microflora which can convert DHEAS into DHEA became fewer as the mice aged.
目 錄

中文摘要 I

英文摘要 III

前言 1

材料與方法 14

結果 24

討論 29

參考文獻 36

表格 43

圖形 49

表一、 BALB/c 小白鼠餵食含有1%果寡糖
之美國飼料前後腸道中總菌數之變化。 43

表二、BALB/c 小白鼠改餵還有3%果寡糖
之福壽白鼠料後腸道中總菌數之變化。 44

表三、BALB/c 小白鼠餵食含有1%果寡糖
菌數之變化。 45

表四、BALB/c 小白鼠改餵含有3%果寡糖
菌數之變化。 46

表五、BALB/c 小白鼠餵食含有1%果寡糖
菌數之變化。 47

表六、BALB/c 小白鼠改餵含有3%果寡糖
菌數之變化。 48

圖一、人類腎上腺皮質膽固醇生成途徑。 49

圖二、DHEA及androstenedione的代謝途徑。 50

BALB/c 小白鼠前後腸道中總菌數的
變化圖。 51

BALB/c 小白鼠前後腸道中總菌數
的變化圖。 52

BALB/c 小白鼠前後腸道中
Lactobacillus 菌數的變化圖。 53

BALB/c 小白鼠前後腸道中
Lactobacillus 菌數的變化圖。 54

BALB/c 小白鼠前後腸道中
Bifidobacterium 菌數的變化圖。 55

BALB/c 小白鼠前後腸道中
Bifidobacterium 菌數的變化圖。 56

圖九、BALB/c 小白鼠餵食含有1%FOS之
所作之菌相分析圖。 57

圖十、BALB/c 小白鼠改餵含有3%FOS之
時所作之菌相分析圖。 58

圖十一、BALB/c 小白鼠改餵含有1%FOS之
所做29種生或活性測試之分析圖。 59

圖十二、BALB/c 小白鼠改餵含有3%FOS之
時所做29種生化活性測試之分析圖。 60

圖十三、BALB/c 小白鼠為FOS後腸道腸道微生
物將DHEAS轉換成DHEA的百分比圖。 61

圖十四、DHEAS與DHEA跑TLC的情形。 62

圖十五、DHEA跑TLC經顯色後之情形。 63

圖十六、Lactobacillus 與 Bifidobacterium 轉換
DJEAS的情形。 64

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