本論文旨在釐清設計者與使用者之間互動的社會交換關係,從社會學、古 典經濟學與消費者行為學等不同領域的角度,重新審視這個真實存在的現 象,並根據其中關於價值原理、需求法則、以及消費者涉入與決策等概念 ,具體建構出「使用者對產品中單一功能之需求彈性」的推導模式;其次 探討品質管理之觀點,將研究所得之功能需求彈性引入幾種主要的系統性 設計模式概念中,說明這種動態性的指標如何影響系統中之決策程序。全 文包括了以下三個重點:‧使用者需求與功能彈性之理論分析、概念形成 以及推導模式之建構。‧根據實驗與無差異曲線法驗證使用者需求現象, 並建立自動化程序。‧說明功能需求彈性於系統性設計模式中之應用與影 響。 作者所提出之功能需求彈性乃經由修正古典經濟學中之需求法則而 建立,融合了社會學之交換理論對於價值與品質管理對於品質特性之觀點 ,引入一般系統性設計模式與人機動態模式之決策黑箱中加以應用,最終 目的在藉由對使用者與設計者互動關係之強調,而能有效提升設計效益與 彈性。經過實驗調查與無差異曲線分析法,對設計科系學生操作單眼電子 式相機之研究結果證明,使用者需求現象的確存在,並足以透過進一步對 功能彈性之描述,協助設計者在應用既有系統性設計模式的同時即大幅提 升其效益,對於設計實務與學術的助益匪淺。
This study is focused on an exchanging relationship between designers and users, it trys to discuss a really existing phen- menon in design from several different viewpoints. In this ar- icle, according to those concepts including Value Theory in S- ciology, Law of Demand in Economics, and Decision-Making Meth- dology, etc., it has not only built up an operating model andprogram shell for calculating user-demand*s elasticity of anyunction in one product trough experimentation; but introducedhe elasticity metioned above into general systematic processs a dynamic index. Whole study was based on three issues: EThe distinction between user''s and consumer''s demand,the con- ept and theories about elasticity, and the calculating mod-l for elasticity in design process.EThe proof of the phenomenon of user demand by statistical re-ression / analysis of indiffer- ent-curve, and automation ofll steps.EThe impact and application of demand elasticity on systematicesign process.t proposed an experiment with electonic single-len ca-era to prove the user demand and a simple example to introduceow it applied, the purpose overall is to raise the effect inesign itself by emphasizing on such an interactive relationsh-p. To sum up, the methodology which extract an logical modelrom social reality could be a reasonable way in all the otheresign domains, and it would be absolutely helpful for both de-igners and users.