The logistical system has been one of key factors in determining the success of business administration. Therefore, the application of ideas of logistics into the supply system of telecommunication service business becomes a valuable research topic. In view of the above, this paper focuses on : 1.reviewing the operating model of the supply systems at present and points out the bottleneck of the operations in storage and transportation. 2.understanding the requirement of a successful logistical system from practices and literatures. 3.according to the questionnaires, analyzing the degree of agreement with curr- ent logistical system. 4.in conclusion, suggesting a new telecom -munication logistical system. This paper concludes as follows: 1. If the manufacture of telecommunication products can be involved in after the organization of Bureau of Telecommunica- tion changes into a form of corporation or of private enterprise , the domestic telecommunication industries shall be integrated and an advantageous position for competition shall be obtained at the same time. 2. In order not to mislead those domestic manufacturers who attempt to join the bids, Bureau of telecommun -ication should, as early as possible, release therestrictions of qualification for the manufacturing capacity or grant a expiry date in the patent instead. 3. The degree of bidders'''' satisfaction with the bottom prices set by Bureau of Telecommun -ication during bid opening is very low, only 42.3% of bidders agreed it as reasonable. 4. 57.5% of the interviewed manufacture -res expressed that central people''''s representatives have influences on the purchasing cases of telecommunication product. 5. Regarding the new policy like the establishment of a center of purchase, storage and transportation asked in the question- naire, the rate among the interviewed manufacturers in agreeing with this question is pretty high.