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論文名稱(外文):Toxicological Study of Grass Carp Bile Juice
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  實驗一為探討不同劑量之草魚膽汁、雞膽汗和蛇膽汗對老鼠生理之影響。實驗分為兩大部分,一是急性毒試驗,分為五組,每組12隻老鼠,分別以口胃管喂予老鼠0.6ml生理食鹽水、0.3ml草魚膽汁和0.3Ml生理食鹽水、0.6ml草魚膽汁、0.6ml蛇膽汁以及0.6ml雞膽汁,分別在喂予後6小時和24小時犧牲6隻老鼠。結果發現在喂食0.6ml草魚膽汁後6小時和24小時,老鼠血漿中AST (Aspartate transaminase)、ALT (Alanine transaminase)、ALP (Alkaline phosphatase)、BUN (Blood urea nitrogen)和Creatinine數值皆明顯上升,顯示肝、腎功能可能嚴重受損。然而其他組別者雖有些微變化,但24小時後即可恢復正常。二為亞急性毒試驗,分為九組,每組6隻老鼠,每隔3天分別以口胃管喂予老鼠生理食鹽水、0.03ml和0.03ml草魚膽汁、0.03ml、0.3ml和0.6ml蛇膽汁和雞膽汁,飼養期間為28天,喂食後第1、10和19天以尾巴靜脈抽血,觀察其各種不同劑量和不同動物膽汁對老鼠生理之影響。結果發現0.03ml草魚膽汗組之老鼠血漿中,其AST、ALT、BUN和Creatinine數值皆明顯上升,顯示肝、腎功能受損,且飼養期間有三隻老鼠死亡。另外發現此實驗組老鼠之肝、腎組織切片有細胞腫大現象。其他組別0.03ml草魚膽汁組、0.03ml、0.03ml和0.6ml蛇膽汁組和雞膽汁組之老鼠,其血液生化指標雖有些微變化,但影響並不嚴重。由以上兩個實驗可得以下結論:草魚膽汁毒性遠大於蛇膽和雞膽,草魚膽會引起老鼠肝、腎功能下降,甚至死亡,而蛇膽和雞膽對老鼠而言,少量攝取不會引起毒性,但是若長期吞食,仍會有毒,但毒性較草魚膽汁為弱。
  實驗二為探討草魚膽汁中5α-Cyprinol之純化與鑑定,並了解5α-Cyprinol、sodium cholate和sodium chenodeoxycholate對老鼠生理之影響。實驗分為三大部份,一是從草魚膽汁中純化出5α-Cyprinol,其過程為將草魚汨汗經鹼水解後,藉PHP-LH-20和silica gel兩種管柱層析純化後,取其酒精溶出物,經減壓濃縮除去溶劑後,以氰甲烷做結晶。將此結晶物經紅外光光譜儀(FT-IR)、氫原子(1H)和碳-13(13C)核磁共振光譜儀(NMR)和質譜儀(MS)之化學分析,結果發現5α-Cyprinol之分子式為C27H48O5,分子量為452,結構類似膽固醇之膽醇。二是探討不同膽監對老鼠之影響。實驗分為兩大部份,一是急性毒試驗,分為四組,每組6隻老鼠,分別以口胃管餵食老鼠生理食監水(0.6ml)、草魚膽汁(97.44mg/0.6ml)、Sodium cholate (100mg/0.6ml),6小時後,發現草魚膽汁組和膽監組(包括Sodium cholate組和Sodium chenodeoxycholate組)之老鼠,其血漿中AST、ALT明顯上升(P<0.05),顯示肝功能皆受損,但腎功能無顯著差異。另外草魚膽汁組之BUN和Creatinine亦顯著增加,顯示腎功能亦受損。二是亞急性毒試驗,分為三組,每組6隻老鼠,每隔3天分別以口胃管喂予老鼠生理食監水、Sodium cholate (100mg/0.6ml)和Sodium chenodeoxycholate (100mg/0.6ml),飼養期間為28天,喂食後第1、10和19天後以尾巴靜脈抽血,觀察兩種不同膽鹽對老鼠生理之影響。結果發現Sodium cholate和Sodium chenodeoxycholate組之老鼠血漿中,其AST、ALT、BUN和Creatinine數值皆明顯上升,顯示定期喂予老鼠Sodium cholate和Sodium chenodeoxycholate,不但影響其肝功能,亦使腎功能受損。三是探討草魚膽汁中5α-Cyprinol對老鼠之影響。實驗分為三組,每組6隻老鼠,分別以口胃管喂食老鼠生理食鹽水(0.6ml)、草魚膽汁(97.44mg/0.6ml)和5α-Cyprinol(97.44mg/0.6ml),6小時後,發現草魚膽汁組和5α-Cyprinol組之老鼠,其血漿中BUN和Creatinine顯著上升(P<0.05),表示兩組老鼠之腎功能受損。但5α-Cyprinol組之老鼠,其AST和ALT未見變化,顯示5α-Cyprinol之毒作用器官為腎臟,而草魚膽之毒作用器官為肝臟和腎臟。另由上述已知膽鹽之急性毒作用器官為肝臟。因此推測腎衰竭係5α-Cyprinol作用所致,而肝病變為膽鹽作用所致。另由膽鹽長期投予亦會導致老鼠腎衰竭症狀,顯示長期攝食蛇膽或雞膽亦可能導致腎衰竭。因此草魚膽汁之致毒物質至少有兩種,為5α-Cyprinol和膽鹽,其中膽鹽主要影響肝功能,而5α-Cyprinol則主要影響腎功能。
  Some Chinese people believe that eating the animal gallbladders, such as the bile of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), snake and chicken, may improve their visual acuity. However, poisonig cases have been occasionally occurred when people ingested animal biles, especially grass carp bile. Among those cases, the major symptom of victims was acute renal failure. Impairments of liver, gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system were also noted. But the major toxic material is not clear so far. On the other hand, the toxicity of snake and chicken bile juices is also not clear. So the experiments were aimed to investigate the toxicity of grass carp, snake and chicken bile juices in male rats (Long-Evans, 150-200g), and to elcidate the responsible toxic components of grass carp in its bile juice.
  Experiment I-A: Rats were separately administered with saline (0.6ml), 0.3ml grass carp bile juice and 0.3ml saline solution, grass carp bile juice (0.6ml), snake bile juice (0.6ml) and chicken bile juice (0.6ml) by gastric intubation. At 6 and 24 hr after administration, the plasma of rats were examined for physiological functions of liver and kidney. The activities of aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine were the highest in the plasma of rats treated with grass carp bile juice, and were clearly observed to increase with increasing bile dose. But the toxicity of snake bile juice and chicken bile juice is weak.
  Experiment I-B: The rats were administered with saline (0.6ml), garss carp bile juice (0.03ml and 0.3ml), snake bile juice and chicken bile juice (0.03ml, 0.3ml and 0.6ml) for 3-day periodically. On 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th day, the plasma of rats were examined for physiological functions of liver and kidney. Among nine groups, the values of AST, ALT, BUN and reatinine in the plasma of rats treated with 0.6ml grass carp bile juice were the highest. THe grass carp bile juice is the most toxic than snake and chicken bile juices. The rats administered with grass carp bile juice could induce the acute renal failure and the impairment of liver, but the rats administered with the snake and chicken bile juices induced the impairment of liver only.
  Experiment II: Attempts were made to purify and identify the 5α-cyprinolfrom grass carp bile juice. The toxicity of bile salts was also discussed. By IR, 1H-, 13C-NMR and MS spectrometry analyses, a compound with molecular formula of C27H48O5 and molecular weight of 452 was obtained from grass carp bile juice and identified as 5α-cyprinol. Then, the rats were separately administered with saline (0.6ml), gras carp bile juice (97.44mg/0.6ml), sodium cholate (100mg/0.6ml) and sodium chenodeoxycholate (100mg/0.6ml). After 6 hr, the plasma of rats were examined for physiological functions. The activities of AST and ALT in plasma of rats theated with grass carp bile juice, sodium cholate and sodium chenodeoxycholate were siginificantly higher than that of saline group. The subacute toxicity of bile salts was also discussed. The rats were administered with saline (0.6ml), sodium cholate (100mg/0.6ml) and sodium chenodeoxycholate (100mg/0.6ml) for 3-day periodically. On 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th day, the plasma of rats were examined for physiological functions of liver and kidney. The values of AST, ALT, BUN and creatinine in the plasma of rats treated with sodium cholate and sodium chenodeoxycholate were significantly higher than that of saline group. Moreover, the rats were separately administered with saline (0.6ml), grass carp bile juice (97.44mg/0.6ml) and 5α-cyprinol(97.44mg/0.6ml). After 6 hr, the plasma of rats were examined. The values of BUN and creatinine in the plasma of rats treated with grass carp bile juice and 5α-cyprinol were siginificantly higher than that of saline group. In conclusion, the toxins of grass carp bile juice included 5α-cyprinoland bile salts such as (sodium cholate and sodium chenodeoxycholate). In the way of acute toxicity of grass carp bile juice the function of liver is mainly effected by bile salts and the function of kidney is mainly effected by 5a-cyprinol.
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