Meintien mountain in the Yangmingshan National Park was formed from andesitic volcanic lavas erupted 0.41 million years ago. Three soil pedons were selected from different landscape positions including summit, backslope, and toeslope to study the soil characterestics, pedogenesis, and classification of volcanic rock-derived soils. Soil properties of these Andisols are characterized with andic soil properties including low bulk density, high phosphate retention, and high oxalate-extractable aluminum and iron. The climate conditions in the study area are characterized with moderate temperature (16.6 ℃) and high precipitation (4800 mm/yr). Soil chemical propertiees are characterized with strong acidity (pH<5), very low bases saturation, and high exchangeable aluminum. Umbric epipedon with high organic carbon content and cambic horizon can be developed in study area. Soil properties can''t be affected by different vegetation types. Black color and porous soil structure with high organic carbon can be found by soil micromorphology. Clay mineralogy can be semi-quantitatively identified by X-ray diffractometer (XRD), transmission electromicroscope (TEM) , or selective chemical extraction methods. The results indicate that (1) the similar clay mineral compositions in three pedons are major with kaolinite and gibbsite, and minor with 2:1 type clay minerals including illite, chlorite, and/or hydroxyinter- layered vermiculite by XRD, (2) Al-humus complexes are main sources for active aluminum, and little allophane and imogolite can be found in the lower part or R horizon of the soil pedons by TEM, and (3) laminar opaline silica can''t be found in these Andisols by TEM. No recurrent landslides or slip actions in this stable con- ditions, soil characteristics and clay mineralogy are not sig- nificantly related to soil slope and landscape positions.