The characters of activated carbon adsorption of heavy metals (Cu2+,Cd2+) in a multicomponent system were studies is this experiment. The adsorption was affected by addition different conccentration, reactivity organics in pH=2. 5. The findings in this experiment can be used for extimate the better operation condititons in order to increasing the efficacy of water and wastewater treatment. This paper contains the isotherms experiment and rate kinetics experiment. In regard to isotherms adsorption experiment, the results comply with Freundlich adsorption theory. The multicomponent system, metals: 200~500 mg/L, organics: 0~2000 mg/L, the 1/n and K which addition phenol are -0.3605~0.3160, 34.04~978.6 respectively; and addition glutamic acid are -0.4094~.02106, 22.4 0~75.86. It is founded that 1/n value are small, and no apparrent relationship with organics concentration, but K was increasing with organics concentration except Cu2+/ glutamic acid system. The rate models were estimated after data analysis. The model is C(t)=A0+A1*exp(-k1t)+A2* exp(-k2t) which represent paralle realtions (simultaneously) occur at different period. The rate constants in thhe Kinetic model. The k1 value range are 3.321~0.01994, which decrease with orgamics concentration increasing except Cu2+/phenol system. In addition to metalions and organics adsorption onto activated carbon. It is founded the rate of adsorption for organics is more than metalions. Glutamic acid has very strong chelating ability with metal ions, the chelating can even happend between glutamic acid and metal ions which were adsorption on activated carbon. The K, 1/n, k1, k2, of Cu2+/glutamic acid system differ from other systems due to the chelating complex was formed.