Articles of report , the major methods make use of Implicit Newton- Raphson scheme, from the momentum equation of unsteady flow to process the numerical analysis of the low level paddy then simplify the momentum equation of unsteady flow to the momentum equation of nonuniform flow(Diffusive Tank Model) . The results of simulation will show the precision of the model of unsteady flow is better than nonuniform flow, when used on the big basin we have some problems , for example , complex hydraulic computation , cause computer time too long 、the memory of computer is not enough .but the model of nonuniform flow is used on the same situation , we find it can speed up the computer time , decrease the computation that needs memory capacity , the precision is good , and we can be qualified to divert to PC (personal computer). The purpose of our research establishes a drainage system that is exact and gain results quickly , else we can operate in field easily. The nonuniform flow model satisfies our needs , therefore , we suggest to use nonuniform flow model which can provide the reference of assessment and design of drainage network , when build the drainage network of low level paddy in Taiwan .