本篇利用分子動力方法,模擬氧氣於30C時在cis-PTMSP 薄膜中之擴散.模擬是固定體積的條件下進行. 觀察的物理量包含氧氣 在高分子中的運動軌跡,自由體積分布及高分子鏈的構形隨時間的變化等 . 我們發現擴散的路徑隨著氧分子所處的環境不同,而有明顯的差異 . 氧分子在cis-PTMSP中的自由擴散是最主要的運動方式,這 是由於cis-PTMSP〞漲菪捇橦n很大且相當集中所致.氧分子偶 爾會發生跳躍,但跳躍的距離很短.氧分子被微小的空洞包圍住的機率很 小,一旦被包圍住由於高分子鏈相當僵硬,需要很長時間才能逃脫.此外 ,模擬所得的氧氣的散擴散係數也與實驗值相當符合. Molecular dynamics computation has beenused to simulate the tra nsport of oxygenin a cis-Poly(1- trimethylsilyl-1-propyne)(cis-PT MSP) film at 30C . Simulation is performed at constant volume and constattemperature condition. T he physical quantities that are monitored include thetime evolut ion of free volume distributiona nd trajectories of oxygen molecu les, andconfiguration properties . It is found that the diffusion path is varied tremendously wit h the local environment.The free diffusion is the most favorable diffusion pattern, since the fre e volumeis large and highly conc entrated in some domains.Jump oc curs occasionally, which is acco mpanied bya short jump distance. Oxygen is rarely trapped,once t rapped, it takes very long toesc ape, owing to the rigidity﹜of po lymerchain. Besides, the diffusi on coefficient ofoxygen obtained from the simulation is ingood a ccord with experiment.