In this thesis, the optimal $L^{\infty}$ model reduction problemis addressed. In the frequency domain setting, the problem is formulated asan optimal parameter selection problem. In order to obtain the global optimalsolution to the $L^{\infty}$ model reduction problem, a robust search schemeof using genetic algorithms (GAs) is proposed.Under the stability constraints, the major difficulty associated withthe search of optimal coefficients for a reduced-order model lies inthe fact that the feasible coefficient domain is in general not convex, andthat the domain boundary cannot be simply described. To avoid monitoringthe stability in the process of searching reduced- order models,the Routh stability parameters of a reduced-order model are often chosenas the decision parameters.However, the unbounded domain of the Routh $\gamma$- parameters is not suitablefor obtaining the true global solution tothe optimal $L^{\infty}$ reduction problem by GAs.A more superior approach is presented in this thesis to facilitate the use of GAsfor searching effectively for optimalreduced-order models.The prosposed approach has the following three distinct features:(1) the parameter space for GA search is bounded; (2) the finite and infinitezero structures as well as the stability of the original system are retainedin the reduced-order model; and (3) the GA solution accuracy can be greatly enchanced.The first two features are achieved through representing a reduced-order model ina transfer function parametrized in terms ofSchur and anti- Schur polynomials, whereas the third feature is gained byusing a region contration scheme.The proposed GA search methods are successfully applied to optimalmodel reduction for single-input- single-output (SISO) systems andunstable systems with nonminimum-phase.Besides, the problem of computing optimal $H^{\infty}$separable-dominator system (SDS) reduced modelfor a 2-D bounded-input-bounded-ouput (BIBO) stable system described byits transfer function is also solved here through searching for the optimalSchur parameters of the 2-D SDS reduced-order model by GAs.