The purpose of this study is to realize the mechanism of acupuncture by observing the changes of latency and amplitude of "auditory brain-stem response". Among the 13 healthy male and female medical collage students, aging from 26 to 37, we put the recording electrodes on bilateral mastoid processes and the referent electrodes on "Cz" position. Left and right ears are stimulated respectively by 10Hz "click" sound 60dB in strength. The recording period is 10 msec during each measurement, and every test is recorded after 1000 times adding and averaging. The same procedure is repeated at least twice. So we can get I- VII waves. We measure the peak latencies of I, III, V waves and the inter-peak latency of I-III, III-V, and I-V and the amplitude of I and V, then we use them to be the base line, and stimulate the right side "Zusanli" (ST-35) with 2Hz and 10 Hz electroacupuncture, then recording as above and getting the same waves. The results show: Left I, III, V waves and right III, V waves latencies prolonged under 2Hz electroacupunctured on right "Zusanli", while bilateral V waves prolonged under 10Hz electroacupunctured on right "Zusanli". Our conclusion is: electroacupuncture on "Zusanli" can influence the change of brain stem effect, while the effects on brain stem under 2Hz and 10 Hz electroacupuncture are similar. So we suggest that brain stem plays an important role in acupuncture effect.