order to understand the antigenecity of human JC virus, hemagglutination inhibition ( HAI ) and immunoblot were performed. The results showed that human anti-JCV serum could only react with native JCV capsid rather than denatured VP1 protein as demonstrated by HAI, dot blot and Western blot.Based on the results mentioned above, HAI was employed to screen human sera collected from 221 healthy individuals 100 pregnant women and 81 autoimmune disease patients. These three group were previously demonstrated to shed JCV in the urine sample at 13.3%, 26% and 37.5% respectively. The HAI results showed that about 76% of the examined serum sample from these group were JCV positive. In addition, 713 children sera were also examined by HAI . It is found that the positive rate was increased with age. It may indicate that JCV infection occurs during childhood.To! investigate antigenic epitope of JCV, the fragments of the major capsid protein VP1 were expressed in E.coli and purified for immunological examination. The results showed that BC loop, amino acid 36 to 90, was involved in immunoreactivity. Furthermore, the interacting molecular on red blood cell ( RBC )to JCV was also investigated RBC treated with neuraminidase were not able to interact with JCV and abolished hemagglutination activity. When ganglioside was added to the neuraminidase treated RBC, the hemagglutination activity was restored. These results indicates that sialic acid on RBC may involved in the interaction between RBC and JCV.