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論文名稱(外文):Daily Life World and Consuming Experiences - In the Study of Taiwan''''s Traditional Grocery Stores and Convenient Stores
外文關鍵詞:daily life worldconsuming experiencereficationcommunication
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  接著在「構圖」部份;以回退歷史和人性為注意的焦點,觀察雜貨店的演變和基本形式,為本研究之開展與立足基礎,並對照於現象學之先驗學說,於是建構出雜貨店:是一個「共享瞭解」的生活世界(daily life world)。
  在「鏡頭」部份;深層解析現代化的消費質變,於是透過便利商店中資本到後資本社會的消費情境,分析、理解其表現於本王消費文化的貢獻或可議處,這足見,便利商店的核心目標是:創造差異化的消費體驗(consumind experience)。
  在「呈像」部份;就前兩章的概括認識本研究對象──雜貨店與便利商店,對其在社會所造成的負面效應,提供一正面的重建計畫,即引用「溝通行為」的理論作為社會環境改革的目標和力量;於此,空間則具備了:反省社會世界(ideal social world)質變的能力。
  The starting point of this study is to re-exam the cultural conflict between the new and the old in Taiwanese society. With the example of the co-existence of traditional grocery stores and international chained convenient stores, we will study the crisis and solutions of the native cultural evolution.
  In early observation, we found that the convenient stores have become more and more acceptable by the general public through the years. On the other hand, 20% of the traditional grocery store have been disappearing every year. This showsthat the traditional shopping habit has been replaced by a new kind of habit. Althought the convenient stores had beenrefraining the market, the menory that we have about the good old grocery stores, particularly in our childhood, have brought us some regretful feelings toward this change. What is it gives the traditional grocery. stores an unspoken quality that the convenient stores can not replace? Is this unspoken quality to disappear forever?
  We will begin with finding answers for the mentioned questions, and continue to experience from field observation and depth interviews. In the mean time, construct an ideal social outlook on the basis of daily life world, to re-exam the quality changes in the consuming process. Eventually, we will combine existing examples and theories to reveal the true character of native consuming culture.
  There are five chapters in this thesis:
  First, in the Preface, a qualitative research that is different from the Qualitative Research Analysis will be proposed to criticize the negative attitude in social researches, and to observe the current status of native consuming culture promotion.
  Second, in the Sketches, We will take history and humanity as the focuses, and the evolutionary process and the basic types of grocery stores the earliest daily small-sum consuming unit as the foundation. Then, combine them with preunderstand of theories, the grocery stores will sketch out an life world of shared understanding.
  Third, in the Lens, We will use a skepticism, with skepticism further study the modern consuming quality change the convenient store forwards the convenient store skepticism. Using the experience from capitalist society to post-capitalism society to understand and compare with grocery stores in terms of their contribution and drawbacks. We will realize that the essential goal for convenient stores is to create different consume.
  Fourth, in the Revelation, with the general understanding from two previous chapters on grocery stores and convenient stores, we will re-construct a consuming space with communication action which presents the goal and strength of social reform. Moreover, the space will need to have the ability to reexam the quality change between individual and group reationship.
  Last, in the Conclusion, the unspoken quality of grocery store has been revealed. It is only a sentimental item in a person memories, but it is also a powerful weapon to criticize the consuming habit accumulated by the convenient stores. Even though the social theory of reasonable communication offers the opportunity to re-exam, there still are three inefficient and incomplete parts in this study, still as, the personal subjective cognitive and the negative effect of relity reform. Requiring further study and modification.
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