A systematic approach to tranining includes training needs assessment, training program development, training execution and evaluation. Training needs assessment consists of organization analysis, task analysis and employee analysis. Training programs are designed to achieve goals that meet institutional needs. It is not appropriate to begin any training program without a complete assessment of the training needs of the organization, task and employee. Purpose of the study: 1.Find out the correiation of three elements of training needs assessment, that is organization analysis, task analysis, and employee analysis. 2.Find out the correlation of tranining needs assessment, results of training programs, and organization performance of the winner of Human Resources Development Award. Results of the study: 1.There is a significant correlation between training needs assessment and results of training programs. 2.There is no significant correlation between training needs assessment and organization performance. 3.There is a significant correlation between results of training programs organization perforrmance. 4.There is a significant positive correlation among the three elements of training needs assessment, that is organization analysis, task analysis, and employee analysis. Suggestions: 1.For institutions that want to increase their efficiency through effective training, a complete training needs assessment which include organization, task and employee analysis is a must. 2.There is no direct correlation between training needs assessment and organization performance. Thus, in order to understand the influence of training needs assessment, one should focus on results of training programs instead of the organization performance. 3.The sponsor of Human Resources Development Award and others awards alike, to promote the importance of training needs assessment, should consider gravely to include the execution of training needs assessment one of the criteria of the award in the future.